August 5th, 2009

Gilded Stone and ?

I was inspired by this post over on Fauxology to explore the Petra Antiqua website further. Now I am just inspired to gild, oh, shall we say……….everything! 





4 Responses to “Gilded Stone and ?”

  1. Karen Jorgenson Says:

    That wall behind the bathtub is wicked cool.

  2. Karen Jorgenson Says:

    okay, I just went to that site and my head is spinning. Too awesome.

  3. Fauxology Says:

    I knew that gorgeous pic would launch a thousand ideas (or so)! So glad it was inspiring. Petra Antiqua’s works are stunning.

  4. Melanie Says:

    Yes, you should see all the comments on my Facebook feed, as all blog posts go there too!

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